Botes Memory Bouquet Club

April Monthly Newsletter

Word of the month - “NUTRITION” The act or process of nourishing or being nourished. There are 7 categories of nutrients that are essential for the maintenance of life. These include protein, vitamins, minerals, lipids, dietary fiber, and carbohydrates

It’s Berry Season!

Sira shares the nutritional value of berries for brain health


How to Maximize Your Nutrition in Support of Brain Health

Tips on diet / Supplements

Worst choices:

  • Processed meats

  • Processed cheese

  • Refines sugar

  • Refined carbohydrates

To help maintain good health and a healthy brain:

  • Diet rich in fish - good source of Omega 3, a fatty acid good for your brain. Try to eat twice a week. Good sources are:

    • salmon, cod, haddock tuna, halibut

    • Other good options are walnuts, flaxseeds, and soybeans

  • Green leafy vegetables

    • Spinach

    • Kale

    • Broccoli

  • Olives and Nuts

  • Berries - have antioxidants that slow aging of the brain

    • Blueberries

    • Raspberries

    • Blackberries

  • Dark Chocolate! - (at least 72% cocoa solids) Contains flavonoids which are strong antioxidants. Improves blood flow to the brain and reduces inflammation

  • Herbs and Spices - Packed with antioxidants

    • Turmeric

    • Cinnamon

    • Ginger

  • Coffee - Improves memory and potentially decreases risk of dementia. Drink up to 3 cups of black coffee a day

  • Tea - Black and green teas contain brain-boosting anti-oxidants

  • Red Wine - (in moderation) or grape juice - Contains a potent antioxidant. May protect against the formation of damaging plaques in the brain

  • Whole Grains - Rich in Vitamin B which reduces inflammation in the brain, preserving memory

    • Oats

    • Barley

    • Quinoa

  • Eggs - Contain protein and Vitamins B, D, and E which can help to improve memory

  • Summary of Supplements

    Vitamin E / Vitamin B Complex / Vitamin C / Omega 3 fatty acids / Vitamin D / Melatonin / Zinc

Trouble with Swallowing?

When a referral for Speech Therapy is needed:

  • Coughing and throat clearing

  • Wet, gurgled voice

  • Drooling food, fluid, and saliva

  • Prolonged chewing with visible effort

  • Pooling or pocketing in cheek of food, fluids, medications

  • Sneezing

  • Nasal regurgitation or runny nose

  • Pain and discomfort

Botes Memory Method is a method of staging neurocognitive decline through Occupational Therapy driven activity analysis of functional strengths and weaknesses. The Botes Memory Method was created by Sira Botes, OTR/L in an effort to provide best care pathways for those experiencing cognitive changes. 5 friendly “Flower Levels” of staging - the Lily, the Daisy, the Violet, the Rose and the Bouquet - each assign specific characteristics that may be observed in persons staging at each corresponding level. The Bouquet roadmap offers the optimum in care, support, solutions and hope on an otherwise desolate and often frightening terrain. You can learn more about Botes Memory Method on our website.

Our offerings are:

  • Dementia Consulting Services

  • Memory Support Groups

  • Webinars and more

We’d love to connect again next month! If you know of someone who might benefit from this newsletter please SHARE . Click below to subscribe to our monthly newsletter:



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